
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A new species of orchid was discovered recently on Mount Kinabalu and the Crocker Range

This species, Dendrobium datinconnieae, has been named in honour of Datin Connie Wong Mui Yun, a Director of Kota Kinabalu-based Natural History Publications, which has been responsible for many authoritative books on the biodiversity of Sabah and the Malesian region.

URL: New Mt Kinabalu find | Daily Express Newspaper Online, Sabah, Malaysia.

Steve Peralta

1 comment:

  1. This seems to be unending, from a couple of weeks the Orchid fever has struck me, and I'm just amazed at the number of species of them plus even more getting discovered. And yes thanks for your blog its very informative to all Orchid lovers.


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