
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Orchid Plant Adventures to Exotic Destinations

I need a holiday. A trip to Guatemala even sounds good. I don't mean to be facetious but there is a lot of violence in Guatemala. Well, I am not afraid of spiders... probably because I don't think of spiders. So, I think if I focus on the beauty of things and places I will only experience the beauty. That's simple right? Just focus on greatness and you will experience greatness. Well, what does this motivational stuff have to do with a holiday? I have heard great things about Guatemala from an experienced horticulturalist. According to him, Guatemala has more flora (the plant life in a region) than any of the other regions like Costa Rica, Peru, Belize or Honduras. He described Guatemala as a floral paradise. But he also said, "Hay mucha violencia" which in Spanish means there is a lot of violence. That means I will need to go to Guatemala myself. Someday. And marvel at the beauty of Guatemala's flora and forget about mine and Guatemala's problems.

Anyone planning a trip to Guatemala to see its flora can contact (I am not affiliated with this organization):

Plant Adventures to Exotic Destinations


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