
Monday, March 14, 2011

Taiwan Sugar Corp. wins big at International Orchid Show

A white orchid grown by Taiwan Sugar Corp. brings home the top prize in the Phalaenopsis category at this year’s Taiwan International Orchid Show. (Courtesy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs)

Taiwan Sugar Corp. nabbed 33 awards March 11 at the seventh annual Taiwan International Orchid Show, a record for the Tainan-based state-run enterprise.
“Among the prizes we received, the most important one was for a white orchid, code named K62901, which captured both the grand prize in the Phalaenopsis category and the First Class Certificate from the American Orchid Society,” the TSC said.
“Such a strong performance testifies to TSC’s global leadership in growing moth orchids,” the company added. “It shows our horticulture products are popular with consumers worldwide.”


Steve Peralta

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