
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Miniature Moth Orchid Plants All The Rage

Big things do come in small packages like diamonds and pearls.. which have high unit value (high unit value is the value of something relative to size.. if something is small and very valuable, it has a high unit value). Woohoo! So I propose we include small flowering moth orchid plants in this group. Miniature moth orchids are the jewels of the orchid kingdom not only to have in an orchid collection but to give as gifts and enjoy in the home.

I am very lucky to be around orchids all the time. Not a day goes by where I don't see an orchid plant of some type. Lately these plants have been getting smaller. It started late 2010 when I saw my first miniature moth orchids at an orchid show. I asked the orchid grower what was up with these miniature orchids. He said miniature moth orchids have been grown in Japan for many years and it is just catching on here in the United States. The timing of the arrival of these miniature beauties could not be better. The economy is down and we want more value. Miniature moth orchids provide that value and much more.


Steve Peralta


  1. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Pleasant Post. This transmit helped me in my school assignment. Thanks Alot

  2. Another Smart post from you Admin :)


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