
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Black Orchid

I never imagined that looking at an orchid flower would bring such joy.  When I was a kid, I never said I wanted to be an orchidist but yet here I am.. an orchidist, a lover of orchids.  I have the privilege of seeing literally thousands of orchids.  Many just take your breath away.  I hate to admit it, but I've even gotten misty eyed while admiring the beauty of an orchid flower.  I am sure it is because I admire them so much that I happen upon a black orchid called Paphiopedilum Astro Boy (Paph. Makuli x Paph. rothschildianum).
A real black orchid is markedly unusual making them very rare.  The normally occurring flower color of  Paphiopedilum Astro Boy is green and maroon.  A black "mutation" like this is very unusual and special.  Enjoy!


  1. Very Important information!I would like to say that this blog is very informative and i would love to visit it again.

  2. Anonymous12:07 AM

    A very beautiful paphiopedilum! If it is not a secret, where did you get it from? I want it too!


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