Tuesday, August 16, 2011

ARKive blog - Spotlight on: Orchids

Orchids are a dazzling genus of over 24,000 plant species capable of producing some of the most beautiful flowers on the planet. Found on every continent except Antarctica, orchids have been documented in nearly every color but black. However, the orchid is more than just a pretty face as it employs some of the cleverest tricks to attract pollinators and has developed unique relationships with other species, each benefitting nicely from it. Let’s explore some of the most fascinating (and lovely) orchids on ARKive!

URL: http://blog.arkive.org/2011/08/spotlight-on-orchids/

Great blog, enjoy!

Steve Peralta


Ancient Egyptian Gods said...

Another Smart post from you Admin :)

Ancient Egyptian Gods said...

Another Smart post from you Admin :)